Friday, June 21, 2013

Super . Model_ Alternate Concept

I just found this in the archives.  It's was my original idea for a logo on the show "Super .  Model."  Check out what we ultimately went with in one of my previous posts.  Like I mentioned in the previous post, the show was about super models with super powers.  This was all right before we pulled the plug on the show all together.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cocktails With Stan

This was a really fun show that deserved an equally fun logo.  I'll note I made it before the Larry King show came out that has a vey similar logo.  Check out all of the shows here -

Super . Model

This is now a very dead project that I made a logo for too long ago to remember.  The basic premise was going to be, you guessed it, super models with super powers.  I didn't have as much to do those days so I took a gamble and made this logo in my free time.  The idea was and tell me if it worked, if you said the show name out loud, you'd say "Super DOT Model."  I'm not sure if this very close to being final logo conveys everything I wanted it to.  Next time I'd put her in a different dress, and make her pose not so close to a  50's mom and pop burger joint.


Concept art I did for a friend of mine the title of which I won't mention to be on the safe side.

Cosplay Piano

We launched a show called Cosplay Piano 3 months ago and it features a very talented piano player named Sonya Belousova playing themes from movies and games.  I was asked to create about 8 cells to quickly flip through to not only tease the upcoming shows but use as a tittle sequence.  This was one of my favorites. We actually premiered with this video and it's based off of The Walking Dead.  Here's a Link

And here's the logo I made for it.  What do you think, is the backwards treble clef blasphemy?
And the video itself that features the lovely Sonya Belousova

Real Life Web Slingers

HEY KIDS!   IT'S REAL LIFE WEB SLINGERS!  Here's the cover art I made in a flurry at 2AM for  a series of STAN CO toys for Stan Lee's World of Heroes. I had to do a few more but this one stood out.  Another tight deadline.  If you have a dark sense of humor and a love for comic book characters check em' out here  - Seth Ylitalo-Ward

And here's the video

Green Screen Backgrounds

About a year ago, I was assigned to make a few backgrounds for a news related show that centered around comic books.  They would serve as a green screen backdrops we could cut to.  In the end we used the city scape a ton.  I wasn't as familiar as I am now with transferring my pencils and inked drawings  into Photoshop so all of these feel rougher than they should.  We were under a pretty tight deadline so I'm happy with them.

E Book

Here's a design I did about a month ago for an Ebook that's still in the development.  For that reason I had to black out the title and the authors name.  But their name would go on the bottom line in a bold, white, Sans Serif font.   It's the story of a run down cop whose new partner is a super hero.