Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Coyote Frog is Alive!

A few months ago a friend of mine, CC Pearce from the YouTube channel The Outside Joke, asked me to do some design work for him for a coyote frog creature aptly called "Coyote Frog."  Check one of my old posts for the flat work I did on it and check the link out here to the final ANIMATED product.  I'm over the moon right now.  Coyote Frog makes an appearance around 2:30 in the video.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Another quick sketch on the side which ended up looking like a different star than I intended.  Stop reading here and take a guess if you like. 

It's supposed to be Peter Lorre
but it ended up looking a bit like Clark Gable to me.  Obviously not as chiseled as he's normally portrayed but the upper lip merged with a thin pencil mustache that gable was known to sport.  Maybe I'm going a little batty after starring into Lorre's big eyes for too long.  Either way I'm trying to work out the kinks these days.  I'm gonna be doing a lot of drawing soon for a comic I'm working on the side for.  I'll update when I can to not give things away.

Then the second picture you see there is a poster of one of my favorites.  "M".  Where Peter Lorre plays a twisted murderer on the loose in Germany 1934.   We follow his story and that of the police that are after him.  Directed By Fritz Lang it's a black and white visual marvel through and through. We went to a screening the other night and I had to get a picture with this graphic masterpiece.  One day if I have it my way, a copy of this will hang in my man cave.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Get Loki

This was a concept a colleague of mine (Mr. Ben Holley) had at work and I executed.  A mash up of the Daft Punk Get Lucky album art and Marvels Thor and Loki rivalry. It was around the time we were coming up with a ton of ideas for YouTube's Geek Week but this one was sadly never picked up.
I'm happy with the way it came out though so I'm sharing it here-

I'll say in advance the photos I manipulated are not my own and this was to get ideas rolling.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Apocalypse MEOW

APOCALYPSE MEOW! A project at World of Heroes that never came to be.  I'll leave it at that, ask me about it if you want the back story.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Here's Lincoln with even more exaggerated features.  Always a good time drawing this guys face.


Quick sketch I did last Friday.  I had some fun exaggerating the original shapes and accenting using a light blue as my mid tone.  Didn't push the black very far to keep the white suit/white hair look Twain was famous for.
