Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Another quick sketch on the side which ended up looking like a different star than I intended.  Stop reading here and take a guess if you like. 

It's supposed to be Peter Lorre
but it ended up looking a bit like Clark Gable to me.  Obviously not as chiseled as he's normally portrayed but the upper lip merged with a thin pencil mustache that gable was known to sport.  Maybe I'm going a little batty after starring into Lorre's big eyes for too long.  Either way I'm trying to work out the kinks these days.  I'm gonna be doing a lot of drawing soon for a comic I'm working on the side for.  I'll update when I can to not give things away.

Then the second picture you see there is a poster of one of my favorites.  "M".  Where Peter Lorre plays a twisted murderer on the loose in Germany 1934.   We follow his story and that of the police that are after him.  Directed By Fritz Lang it's a black and white visual marvel through and through. We went to a screening the other night and I had to get a picture with this graphic masterpiece.  One day if I have it my way, a copy of this will hang in my man cave.

1 comment:

  1. Gomez: I see both Clark and Peter. I know how you got confused: All their names have five letters. It's the same plroblem you'd have if you drew Brad Pitt-- some of Karl Dane would slip in there. In any case, I like it.
