Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Marvelous Movie Shawarma

Here's a prop I made the other day for a show called MARVELOUS MOVIE SHAWARMA.  As in we're making "Post movie credit sequences kinda like the ones you see at the end of the marvel movies," but that didn't have the same ring to it.  Kind of a stretch but back to the art- I had about 2 or so hours to make this for the next day of shooting.  The premise was a bunch of execs would pitch to spiderman in the skeeziest kind of way, so I picked some of my favorite crazy looking villains as fodder to rif off of.  Mysterio, The Vulture, Stilt Man and a kitty cat for good measure.  Lots of sweat and hard work at the last minute to make all three which you can watch below

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